
Prayer that I say

Assalammu'alaikum warohmatullohi wabarokatuh ..
My friends loved ones .... Hopefully useful as Meditations & Conditioning Qolbu ... Amen ..

Prayer when I was younger (not married): "O Allah, give me a good future wife, who sholeha. Give me a wife who can I make penentram heart in my family. "

Prayer that I say when finished married: "Oh God give me a pious and sholehah children, so they can pray when I'll die and become one amalanku that never end."

Prayer that I say when my children were born: "O Allah, give me a chance to send them in an Islamic school is good although expensive, give me O God money to it ...."

Prayer that I say when children started school anaku: "O God ... .. gave him a good student so she could immoral Islami, so that he can seal the Al Qur'an at a young age. "

Prayer that I say when my kids are teenagers: "O Allah, make my son does not follow the flow of modernization which worries me. O Allah, I do not want him to spit his private parts, because he is like a fruit that is ripe. "

I was saying prayers when my sons into adulthood: "O Allah make it easy soul mate, give a pious soul mate & Soleha on them, which is good and suitable equivalent to our family."

Prayer that I say when my son got married: "O Allah, do you disconnect the rope mother, father & child, I was afraid of losing her attention and afraid to lose him because he would join her husband."

Prayer that I say when my daughter will give birth: "O Allah, I hope my grandson was born with a survivor.

When I say those prayers, I think God smiled and said ....

"You want a husband / wife a good and pious Do you own good and sholehah?

"You want your husband to be priests, will you be a good congregation?"

"You want kids who sholehah, have it on you and your wife? Do not be selfish. sholehah you want children just because you want them to pray. of course they become sholehah because my main, because the rules they must follow my rules. "

"You want to enroll your child in an Islamic school, for what? prestige? or mode? or you do not want to be bothered with Islamic educate him? You also have to learn, you also have Islamic morals, you should also read the Al Qur'an and trying mengkhatamkannya. "

"How can you hold your son does not cast a charm, if you as a father / mother embarrassed to cover the body? While you know I have enjoined it to safety and honor of my people. "

"You speak of seedlings, ancestor, the weight for the candidate-in-law, if you do not believe in paragraphs 3 & 26 letters An Nuur in my Al Qur'an. Believe me when your child is a child who is sepadanlah Sholihah then that he would get. "

"You're only pregnant, give birth and breast-feeding your child. I have him alone, I freed her with his will. I still love her, though she turned away from me, even when she forgot Me. I still love him. .. "

"Your son is Mandate, your grandson is the mandate of your son, give freedom to release their own bow and some arrows that become mandate."

So  I'm ashamed pray with my own imagination I was ashamed of demands to him Forgive me, O God

Hopefully useful my friend ......

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