Compared to the trash, this country is a little better! Although filled with trash everywhere, stagnant water in various places which occur when heavy rain, pollution incredible, probably made with tough words let others nodded only) no rule of law not to smoke in any place . Perhaps the only city in Indonesia which include rules such areas. Well, people might be less disturbed than cigarette smoke compared to other cities. smoking may be an unwritten local rule. Convention mentioned there that you are a minor, if not tried cigarettes or unmarried. Starting from the rolled paper and tobacco capital dried up to a higher class.
Funny thing is, if your young child ... aged 15 years, still talk tough (because brave if keroyokan), you would be called a sissy if not smoking. Strange, too, because smoked too sissy-pansy. While waiting for "customers", they asik aja smoking. There is absolutely no connection between cigarettes with sexual preference. This is clearly a campaign hidden from the exhaled cigarette manufacturers to the young generation. That happens quite the opposite. If you read carefully the state cigarette advertising ban for smoking, it is mentioned that you will become impotent if smoking. So for the males who tried to keep a male, should avoid cigarette ... Well, the more scary anymore .. I find the places to eat, the High school women smoked openly. Oops! The world is getting crazy course. And more shocked again, now playing, find veiled women smoking. My friend who also had veiled shock to see it!
See also this country's strange because I find that there are cops on the street also smoked openly. Nah! If anyone should be arrested, then police should handcuff himself. apparently, it could be additional revenue for police as well. So stay caught a flat, to 50 million as prize money handed smokers caught in the act (or more accurately captured the mouth). Wrong right? no need to "peacefully" with traffic violators, I need to deposit each week to the commanders, do not need backing him again. Money can not become lawful side. But apparently seem to bother. Why? Liat only illustration of this (only name origin, there is no correlation with anyone).
From smoking law, maybe that should be clarified is the meaning of "public place". You see, many do not know if smoking in public places is forbidden. Is if smoking alone in a public toilet while cool Boker still referred to as a crime? Clearly, public toilets are part of public places, but smokers do not defecate in a congregation. So do not disturb the public. Whatever it is, obviously my suggestion to not be smoking in public transportation (like buses) .. It's nothing, sorry aja liat-old baby should be indoctrinated to become passive smokers. If they could talk, would the babies were going to protest and speak. Also the ladies will be pleased, because they usually must pretend to cough if ngisep next cigarette. Meanwhile, a young child beside a smoking chic and not even thinking.
Basically, I do not hate cigarettes. Since I own is an active second-hand smoke. So confused right this term? Well, as someone who was born from the blood of smokers, I just ngisep strong cigarette smoke. If investigated the genealogy of my great-smokers are most likely strong. I suspect, my body constituent chromosome contains nicotine as one element. But even though I was destined with the blood of smokers, I'm lazy if must buy. So, exposure to secondhand smoke (until now a record not tried smoking one cigarette too.) Addictive nature of cigarettes is in making their addiction. Hence, cigarette manufacturers pretty smart strategy. At the mall, they offer free cigarettes complete with girl wear short skirts that make a fantastic chest excited so hard declined. Having tried it, young children become addicted ... then the next must buy! This is exactly the strategy of drug dealers or Bill Gates that allow Windows hijacked for later proclaimed intellectual property rights law. Cost does not include the cost of smoking is immaterial because of loss of masculinity, the cost of removal of the lung (plus spleen, kidney, heart, etc.) due to cancer, or also an additional fee if our kids went along with smoking. Rather than a wad of money ilang burnt to ashes, made mending the benefits.
But education about Smoking health problems for smokers is difficult given the shark class (exceeding snapper because). " They have principled quite... Smoke than quite! Like this their opinion that was told "I am not a smoker dies my friends hit by public transportation. So the dead do not outlined by the number of cigarettes smoked. " Create a group class smokers sharks, torture is probably the largest tomb in the cemetery because nothing is selling cigarettes (nangkir wrongdoing while angels do not give a chance to smoke). Surprisingly, the smokers is angry if their children see smoking. In fact, everywhere .. like father like son right?
So, if you are still smoking after reading this ... yes go ahead. After all, not my money that is squandered and burned. Is it really correct?
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